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There are currently 4 directors of Growco. Three of which are owners of sites. Each site is different; Cucumbers and Round Tomatoes (Glen Avon), Cucumbers (Anchor) and Baby Plum (Red Roofs). The other Director (Patrick) is manager of the business.

David Schellinghout

Mr David Schellinghout (owner of Glen Avon Nurseries) is the chairman of Growco. David is the last of the original founders of Growco, from 1991.

Patrick Bromwich

Mr Patrick Bromwich is the current Managing Director of Growco. Patrick became a director in 2015.

Trevor Broekhuizen

Mr Trevor Broekhuizen (owner of the Anchor Nurseries). One of two of the newer directors in Growco, accepting the role in 2017.

Chris Durnford

Mr Chris Durnford (owner of Red Roofs Nurseries). One of two of the newer directors in Growco, accepting the role in 2017.

  • © Growco 2025.
  • Registered in England #0255196
  • Website designed and built by indicoll